
Past Business Offers

We offer the opportunity to access some of our past Business Offers not covered by any kind of confidentiality agreement.

Developing a Competitive Advantage and Increasing Fund Raising through Responsible Property Investment (RPI) is still very much available to Property Fund Managers. If you are interested in knowing how to improve your investment strategy and management of your portfolio with greater ethical and ecological emphasis, then please click on the red button ("Book a Meeting") below.

Also featured is our 2011 involvement with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investments. We contributed to the development of their activities worldwide with a comprehensive Strategic Development Plan. You can download the edited presentation below, or simply view it online.

Developing a Competitive Advantage


This business offer presents the advantages of adopting the Principles for Responsible Property Investment in developing and managing a property portfolio.

Expanding activities worldwide for the UN-PRI


In this past business offer made to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investments (UNPRI), we develop a strategy aimed at expanding the activities of the UNPRI worldwide with a view on dramatically growing their membership whilst coping with their internal growth.